The final instalment in the Shrek franchise comes to audiences as a shock. The third was a disaster and adults sighed when Dreamwork's announced they were making a fourth. Oh, no, I have to drag my little boy/girl to this and torture myself throughout. But when different newspapers and magazines reviewed it as five stars, the spirits rised. And they were right. Shrek 4 is the best Shrek in my opinion. The first is closely behind. Kids will love the green huggable (?) ogre as he returns with his wife, his loyal donkey and their little cat. Shrek 4 sees the ogre (Mike Myers) having a mid-life crisis at his children's birthday party. Basically he blows a gasket. Outside he and Princess Fiona (Diaz) have a talk and Shrek admits he wants to be a fierce, feared ogre overheard by the scheming Rumplestiltskin (Walt Dohrn). He then tricks Shrek into surrendering his family life for a angry ogre for a day. Except in world, Donkey (Eddie Murphy) is a worker for Rumplestiltskin, Fiona is the leader of the rebelious ogre allegence called the Resistance and Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is her fat plump pussy cat. The film is good with some classic jokes and Donkey appealing to all audiences with his humour but the witches, whom Rumplestiltskin is using as cronies might scare little kids.
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