Saturday, 14 August 2010

The Cardturner Book Review

The Cardturner 
Author: Louis Sacher
Type: Hardback
Pages: 352 pg
Genre: Children's Fiction +12
The red cover of the book!
The Cardturner 
Alton Richards is a 17 year-old boy who lives with his parents and his younger sister, Libby. Their family lives in wait for Alton's ageing, blind uncle to die so they can recieve millions in his will. I admit it doesn't seem a very nice subject but that's the funny part. Then one day, Lester Trapp, his uncle asks Alton to accompany him to his weekly bridge (not a bridge bridge, the game). Alton agrees because his parents force him so he will suck up to Lester and he will happily give them all his assets and thousands of dollars. Soon Alton starts to enjoy bridge and decides to learn it by watching Trapp play with Gloria his bridge partner. Soon he meets Toni, an attractive keen bridge player. Soon buried secrets are uncovered and romance blossoms. This is a great book for anyone looking for a good book or a good Louis Sacher book. The flaw of it is the small whale at pretty much every second chapter a reference to Moby Dick. That means that that there are going to give you bridge lessons. I read a few but then skipped them. There is pretty much 250 pages of fiction in it with 100 of bridge lessons.


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