Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan in Asylum of The Daleks. |
The episode starts off on war-torn Skaro where the Doctor is invited by the creepy ginge Darla Von Karlsen (Anamaria Marinca) to rescue her daughter. After been zapped along with a divorced Amy and Rory (Gillan and Darvill) they are asked (yes, asked!) by the Daleks to "save them!" The rest is a runaround on the Dalek "dumping ground" or The Asylum, a planet dedicated to collecting doolally Daleks and keeping them away from civilisation. Smith is brilliant as usual except this time he brings a whole new level of matureness to The Doctor, but still with the funny jokes. Darvill is better in my opinion in this episode than Karen Gillan. Usually he is the klutz and she is the funny, flirty and self-supportive Amy who holds onto the Doctor's arm. In this case, as Rory and Amy have split up he is the independent one who is split from the Doctor and Amy throughout the episode. Karen Gillan is still great as usual but her character of Amy has become slightly more vicious than in previous series.
The next addition to the cast is Oswin Oswald, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. Coleman has been cast as the new companion. As I am a sucker for spoilers, I have been reading the rumors and her character, rumored name: Clara Oswin is due to appear in the Christmas special. Now she in the opening episode as the new companion maybe or a relative? Her character, anyway, in this episode is hilarious, funny and flirty just like Amy, with hilarious one-liners and a rather sexy way she deals with Matt Smith's chin.
The Daleks in this episode aren't much of a threat, in fact the main Daleks you see in the episode are out of commission.
I am very disappointed in fact about the noticeable absence of the Special Weapons Dalek from the 1988 story, Remembrance of The Daleks.
Still, it was really good!
An Egyptian queen and a game hunter, and Rory's dad and Amy in an awesome blue and white stripy jumper, I can't wait!
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