Saturday, 1 October 2011

Dr Who. Series 6. Pt. 2 - The Wedding Of River Song

A simple solution.....Alex Kingston....Matt Smith....Karen Gillan
After this series, story-arcs and twists and turns we finally get an interesting finale, that ties up loose ends and sets new ones. Time has gone wrong and everything in history is mixed up, pterodactyls in Hyde Park, flying cars, Emperor Winston Churchill and Charles Dickens on BBC Breakfast. The Doctor is taken from the Holy Emperor Winston Churchill's office to a pyramid in Cairo where the things really kick off. Silents' escaping, thousands of people dying, Amy showing a rather bad-ass side to Madame Kovarian, to which she deserves. We see the return of Dorium Maldovar, the big blue guy who gets beheaded. There's an especially touching farewell to the Brig. Nicholas Courtney who played the famous character, passed away in February, and it's not just a last minute line, it also allows the Doctor to acknowledge, people do die. Although it's Doctor Who, and you can't kill the titular character, so in the end we're left with a very healthy Doctor, except everyone thinks he's dead. Amy and Rory know he's alive but can't find him and the Doctor has become a shadow man again. I feel the Ninth Doctor was like that, the end of David Tennant and all of Matt Smith just shows us, how much of a celebrity the Doctor is. Sadly Amy and Rory are coming back, which is ridiculous because David Tennant had Rose, Martha and Donna. So hurry up change the companions and speaking of changing the cast, the story-arc of Tranzalor and "the fall of the Eleventh (Doctor)" I'm really looking forward to the Christmas Special and the next series.

Who Rating: 5/5

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