Monday, 19 September 2011

Dr Who. Series 6. Pt. 2 - The God Complex

A major disappointment......Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill
Well, this week's Doctor Who didn't hit off. It began outside the TARDIS, already disappointing, I love a TARDIS opening and the mystery of when the Doctor and his companions exit, to see where they've landed. Instantly they realize their in an 80's-style hotel with a very unfunny irritating David Walliams in prostethics as Gibbis, a nurse named Rita, a geeky blogger (don't laugh!) called Howard and a gambler in hysterics called Joe. The lead monster is a Minotaur that is weirdly un-scary, that feeds on fear or something like that. It has an amazing plot principle, with everyones main fear in each room except sadly it doesn't live up to it's potential. Again we have the, a-baddie-that-doesn't-mean-to-be-a-baddie thing going on, similar to last week's Handbots. At the end theirs a big twist, giving the Ponds a big exit. The whole thing seems like a run-around adventure just to get the one final twist. Rita, is doomed from the moment the Doctor offers to take her along, meaning goodbye Rita, which is sad, to a point. An OK episode, that doesn't live to it's potential.

Who Rating: 3/5

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